Reservation on Promotion


                             CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                                 CIVIL APPEAL No. 2608 OF 2011

U.P. Power Corporation Ltd.             ... Appellant


Rajesh Kumar & Ors.                          … Respondents


                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4009____ OF 2012
                   (arising out of SLP (C) No. 10217/2011)
                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. _4022___ OF 2012
                   (arising out of SLP (C) No. 15114/2011)
                   CIVIL APPEAL NOS. ___4027-4029_ OF 2012
               (arising out of SLP (C) Nos. 20577-20579/2011)
 CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 2605 OF 2011, 2607/2011, 2609/2011, 2610/2011, 2614/2011,
      2616/2011, 2629/2011, 2675/2011, 2676/2011, 2677/2011, 2678/2011,
                 2679/2011, 2729/2011, 2730/2011, 2737/2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4023 OF 2012
          (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 14188 OF 2012 (CC 4420/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4024 OF 2012
            (arising out of SLP(C ) No.14189/2012 (CC 4421/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4025 OF 2012
            (arising out of SLP(C ) No.14190/2012 (CC 4431/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4691 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4697 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4699 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4026 OF 2012
          (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 14191 OF 2012 (CC 5070/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4016 OF 2012
             (arising out of SLP(C) No.14179/2012 (CC 5580/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4021 OF 2012
            (arising out of SLP(C ) No.14184/2012 (CC 6362/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4017 OF 2012
            (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 14181/2012 (CC 6482/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4018 OF 2012
            (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 14182/2012 (CC 7037/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4019 OF 2012
            (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 14183/2012 (CC 7042/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4020OF 2012
            (arising out of SLP(C ) No.14184/2012 (CC 7058/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4030 OF 2012
                   (arising out of SLP(C) No. 30325/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4031 OF 2012
                   (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 30326/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4032 OF 2012
                   (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 30327/2011)
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4033 OF 2012
                   (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 30692/2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4034 OF 2012
                   (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 30696/2011)


                        CIVIL APPEAL No. 2622 OF 2011

State of U.P.                                            ... Appellant


Brij Bhushan Sharma & Anr.                   … Respondents


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2611 OF 2011
                         CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2612/2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2613 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2623 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2624 OF 2011
                     CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2682-2683 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2684 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2881 OF 2011
                     CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2884-2885 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2886 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2908 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2909 OF 2011
                     CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 2944-2945 OF 2011
                         CIVIL APPEAL NO. 66 OF 2012


                          CIVIL APPEAL NO.4067/2012
            (arising out of SLP(C ) No.14207/2012 (CC 17243/2011)

                                       J U D G M E N T 

Dipak  Misra, J.

      Leave granted in Special Leave Petitions.

2.    The  controversy  pertaining  to  reservation  in  promotion  for  theScheduled Castes  and  Scheduled  Tribes  with  consequential  seniority  as engrafted under Articles 16(4A) and  16(4B)  and  the  facet  of  relaxation grafted by way of a proviso to Article 335  of  the  Constitution  of  India being incorporated by  the  Constitution  (Seventy-seventh  Amendment)  Act, 1995, the Constitution (Eight-first Amendment) Act, 2000,  the  Constitution (Eighty-second Amendment)  Act,  2000  and  the  Constitution  (Eighty-fifth
Amendment) Act, 2001 at various stages having  withstood  judicial  scrutiny by  the  dictum  in  M.  Nagaraj  v.  Union  of  India[1],  the   issue   of implementation of the same  through  existing  statutory  enactment  by  the State Legislature and the subsequent rules framed by the authorities of  the State or concerned corporation of the State of Uttar Pradesh,  has,  as  the learned counsel appearing for both sides in  their  astute  and  penetrating manner have pyramided the concept in its essentiality, either  appeared  too simple that simplification may envy or so complex that it could manifest  as the reservoir of imbalances or a sanctuary of uncertainties.  Thus, the  net result commands for an endeavour for a  detailed  survey  of  the  past  and casts an obligation to dwell  upon  the  controversy  within  the  requisite parameters that  are  absolutely  essential  for  adjudication  of  the  lis emanated in praesenti.


3.    Extraordinary and, in a way, perplexing though it  may  seem,  yet  as the factual scenario  pronouncedly  reveals,  the  assail  in  some  of  the appeals of this batch of appeals is to the judgment and order passed by  the Division Bench of  the  High  Court  of  Judicature  at  Allahabad  in  Writ Petition No. 63217 of 2010 (Mukund Kumar Srivastava vs. State  of  U.P.  and Another) upholding the validity of the provisions contained in Rule  8-A  of the U.P. Government Servants Seniority Rules, 1991 (for  brevity  ‘the  1991 Rules’) that were inserted by the U.P. Government  Servants  Seniority  (3rd Amendment) Rules, 2007 by  the  employees-appellants  and  in  some  of  the appeals,  the  challenge  by  the  State  Government  and  the  U.P.   Power Corporation Ltd. (for short ‘the Corporation’) is to the judgment and  order passed by the Division Bench of the High Court of Judicature  at  Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow, in Writ Petition No. 1389 (S/B) of 2007 (Prem  Kumar Singh and others v. State of U.P.  and  others)  and  other  connected  writ petitions holding, inter alia, that the decision rendered  by  the  Division Bench in the case of Mukund Kumar Srivastava (supra)  at  Allahabad  is  per incuriam and not a binding precedent and further Section 3(7) of  the  Uttar Pradesh Public Servants (Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled  Tribes and other Backward Classes) Act, 1994 (for short ‘the 1994  Act’)  and  Rule 8A of the 1991 Rules, as brought into force  in  2007,  are  invalid,  ultra vires and unconstitutional and, as a necessary corollary, the  consequential orders relating to seniority passed by the State Government deserved  to  be quashed and, accordingly, quashed the same and  further  clarified  that  in case the State Government decides to provide  reservation  in  promotion  to any class or classes of posts in the services under the State,  it  is  free
to  do  so  after  undertaking  the   exercise   as   required   under   the constitutional provisions keeping in mind the law laid down  by  this  Court in M. Nagraj (supra).  It has  been  directed  that  till  it  is  done,  no reservation in promotion on any post or classes of posts under the  services of the State including the Corporation shall be made hence forth.   However, the Division Bench observed that the promotions  already  made  as  per  theprovisions/Rules where the benefit of Rule  8A  has  not  been  given  while
making the promotion shall not be disturbed.

4.    The cleavage has invited  immense  criticism  by  the  learned  senior counsel appearing for both  sides  on  principles  of  judicial  discipline, decorum, propriety and tradition.  Initially the debate centred  around  the concept of precedent and the duties of the  Benches  but  gradually  it  was acceded to, absolutely totally being seemly, to decide  the  controversy  on merits instead of a remit and, accordingly,  the  learned  counsel  for  the parties addressed the Court at length.  As advised, we shall dwell upon  the merits of the controversy but we shall not abdicate  our  responsibility  to delve into the first issue, i.e., judicial discipline as we are inclined  to think that it is the duty, nay, obligation in the  present  case  to  do  so because despite repeated concern shown by this Court, the  malady  subsists, making an abode of almost permanency.  Ergo, we proceed to state  the  facts on the first issue and our opinion thereon and, thereafter, shall deal  with
the assail and attack on both the judgments on merits.

5.    One Rajesh Kumar and  two  others,  the  private  respondents  in  th eappeal preferred by the Corporation, filed Writ Petition No.  146  (S/B)  of 2009 at the Lucknow Bench of the  High  Court  of  Judicature  at  Allahabad seeking declaration to the effect that Rule 8A of the  1991  Rules  and  the resolution passed by the  Corporation  are  ultra  vires.  That  apart,  the assail was to the constitutional validity of Section 3(7) of  the  1994  Act on the foundation that the  State  Government  in  gross  violation  of  the constitutional provisions enshrined under Articles  16(4A)  and  16(4B)  and the interpretation placed thereon by the Constitution  Bench  in  M.  Nagraj (supra) has framed the Rules and the Corporation has  adopted  the  same  by  amending its Rules and introduced the concept of  reservation  in  promotion
with accelerated seniority.

6.    It was contended before the  Lucknow  Bench  that  neither  the  State Government nor the Corporation had carried  out  the  exercise  as  per  the decision in  M.  Nagraj  (supra)  and  in  the  absence  of  the  same,  the provisions of the Act and the Rules caused discomfort to the  constitutional  provisions.  The stand and stance put forth  by  the  writ  petitioners  was combated by the Corporation  contending,  inter  alia,  that  the  Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were inadequately  represented  in  the  service
and the chart wise percentage of representation  to  direct  recruitment  of reserved categories incumbents would clearly  reflect  the  inadequacy.   We are not referring to the pleadings in detail as that will be adverted to  at a later stage.  Suffice to say at present, in view of  the  assertions  made by the parties and the  records  produced  the  Division  Bench  framed  the question for determination whether Rule 8-A of the Rules is ultra vires  and unconstitutional.  During the course of hearing of the  writ  petition,  the Corporation brought to the notice of  the  Division  Bench  at  Lucknow  the judgment dated 21.10.2010 passed by the Division Bench at Allahabad in  Writ Petition No. 63127 of 2010 (Mukund Kumar Srivastava v.  State  of  U.P.  andanother).  It  was  urged  that  the  same  was  a  binding  precedent  and,  therefore, the Division Bench was bound to follow the same.  But, the  Bench hearing the writ petition declared the said decision as not binding and  per incuriam as it had not correctly interpreted, appreciated  and  applied  the ratio laid down in M. Nagraj (supra) and, on  that  base,  declared  Section 3(7) of the 1994 Act and Rule 8A of the 1991 Rules as  unconstitutional  and issued the directions as have been stated hereinbefore.

7.    It is the admitted position at the Bar  that  certain  writ  petitions were filed at Lucknow Bench and they were being heard.  They were  filed  on earlier point of time and were being dealt with on merits by  the  concerned Division  Bench.   At  that  juncture,  the  Division  Bench  at   Allahabad entertained Writ Petition No. 63127 of 2010.  The  Bench  was  of  the  view that without calling for a counter affidavit from  any  of  the  respondents the writ petition could be decided.  Be it  noted,  the  petitioner  therein was an  Executive  Engineer  in  Rural  Engineering  Service  at  Sonebhadra Division and had challenged the seniority list  of  Executive  Engineers  of Rural Engineering Service published vide Office  Memorandum  No.  2950/62-3- 2010-45-RES/2010 dated 8.9.2010 and further sought declaration  of  Rule  8A of the 2007 Rules as unconstitutional.  A prayer for  issue  of  a  writ  of mandamus was sought not to proceed with and promote any person on  the  next higher post on the  basis  of  the  impugned  seniority  list  of  Executive Engineers of Rural Engineering Service.  The Bench, as is manifest from  the order, adverted to the facts and then  dwelled  upon  the  validity  of  the Rules.  It scanned Rules 6, 7, 8 and 8A and  referred  to  the  decision  of this Court in Indra Sawhney etc. v. Union of India and others[2], Section  3 of the 1994 Act, Article 335 of the Constitution and quoted in extenso  fromM. Nagraj (supra) and came to hold as follows: -

           “The Constitutional validity of Amending Act 77th Amendment  Ac  1995 and 85th Amendment        Act     2001 whereby clause  (4A)  has  been inserted  after  clause  (4)  under  the  Article  16   of   the Constitution has already been upheld by the  Constitution  Bench of Hon’ble Apex Court in M. Nagraj  case  (supra)  holding  tha  neither the catch up rule nor the  Constitutional  seniority  in   implicit in Clause (1) and Clause (4) of Article 16  rather  the  concept  of  catch  up  rule  and  consequential  seniority  are  judicially  evolved  concepts   to   control   the   extent   o f   reservation.   The  source  of  these  concepts  is  in  service jurisprudence.  These concepts cannot be elevated to the  status of  an  axiom,  like  secularism,  constitutional   sovereignty, equality code etc. forming basic structure of the  Constitution.It cannot be said that by insertion of concept of  consequential seniority the  structure  of  Article  16  stands  destroyed  or  abrogated. It cannot be said that equality code contained  under  Articles 14, 15, 16 is violated by deletion of catch-up rule.

                 We are bound by the aforesaid  decision  of  Hon’ble  Apex Court in M. Nagraj case (supra).  Therefore,  there  can  be  no scope for doubt to hold  that  deletion  of  catch-up  rule  and conferring the benefits  of  consequential  seniority  upon  the   members of SC and ST on account of reservation in promotion in a particular service or grade or post has any way obliterated  the equality code contained under Articles 14,  15  and  16  of  the Constitution as concept of catch-up rule of seniority  does  not directly flow from Article 16(1) and (4) of the Constitution  of  India.  We are of the considered opinion that Rule  8A  of  1991  Rules has merely  effectuated  the  provisions  contained  under Article 16(4A) of the Constitution of India whereby  benefit  of consequential  seniority  has  been  given  to  the  members  of  scheduled castes and scheduled tribes due to  reservation/roster   in promotion by obliterating the concept  of  catch-up  Rule  of seniority.  Rule 8A of 1991 Rules specifically  stipulates  that  if any  member  of  scheduled  castes  or  scheduled  tribes  is promoted on any post  or  grade  in  service  earlier  to  other categories of persons, the member of SC/ST shall be  treated  to  be senior to such other categories of persons who  are  promoted subsequently  after  promotion  of  members  of  SC/ST,  despite anything contained in Rules 6, 7 and 8 of 1991  Rules.   In  our view Rule 8A  of  1991  Rules  has  constitutional  sanctity  of  Article 16(4A) of the Constitution and cannot  be  found  faulty  merely on account of violation of judicially evolved concept  of catch-up  rule  of  seniority  which   has   been   specifically obliterated by Article 16(4A) of the Constitution.  Likewise the   said rule can also not be held to be unconstitutional or invalid on account of  obliteration  of  any  other  judicially  evolved  principle of seniority or any other contrary rules of  seniority existing under Rules 6, 7 and 8 of 1991 Rules,  as  Rule  8A  of 1991 Rules opens with non-obstante clause with overriding effect  upon Rules 6, 7 and 8 of 1991 Rules, therefore, we do  not  find  any justification to strike down the provisions contained  under  Rule 8-A of 1991 Rules on the said ground  and  on  any  of  the grounds mentioned in the writ petition.”

After so stating, the Division Bench proceeded to observe as follows: -
           “27.  In this connection, we make it clear that deletion of  th said concept of catch-up  Rule  of  seniority  and  addition  of  consequential seniority due to reservation in promotion  on  any post or grade  in  service  are  applicable  to  the  member  of scheduled castes and scheduled  tribes  only,  whereas  inter-se seniority of other categories employees  shall  continue  to  be determined  according  to  their  existing  seniority  rules  as contemplated by the provisions of Rules  6,  7  and  8  of  199 Rules, subject to aforesaid limitations.  Thus  the  concept  of  catch-up Rule of Seniority stands obliterated only to the extent of giving benefit of consequential seniority to the  members  of scheduled castes  and  scheduled  tribes  on  account  of  their   promotion on any post or grade in service  due  to  reservations   therefore, the scope of obliteration of concept of catch-up rule  is limited to that extent.  In  this  view  of  the  matter  the    petitioner is not entitled to get the relief sought for  in  the writ petition questioning the validity of said Rule 8A  of  199  Rules.  Thus we uphold  the  validity  of  said  Rules  and  the question formulated by us is answered accordingly.”

           It is interesting to note that in paragraph 29 of  the  said  judgmen the Division Bench expressed thus: -             “29.  However,  since  the  petitioner  did  not  challenge  the  Constitutional  Validity  of  Law   regarding   reservation   in  promotion in favour of scheduled  castes  and  scheduled  tribes   existing in State of Uttar Pradesh which is  applicable  to  the services and posts in connection of affairs of  State  of  Uttar Pradesh inasmuch as other services and  posts  covered  by  said Reservation Act 1994, in our opinion, the petitioner  shall  not be permitted to raise this question by  filing  any  other  wri   petition again.  In given facts and circumstances of  the  case , we are not  inclined  to  issue  any  mandamus,  commanding  the  respondents, not to proceed with impugned seniority list for the  purpose of promotion on the next higher post without  expressins any opinion on the merit of said seniority list.   We  are  also  not inclined to issue any  such  restraint  order,  staying  any promotion on the  next  higher  post,  if  the  respondents  are intending to make  such  promotion  on  the  basis  of  impugne  seniority list.”

8.    We have been apprised at the Bar that it was brought to the notice  of the Division Bench at Allahabad that certain  writ  petitions,  where  there was  comprehensive  challenge,  were  part-heard  and  the hearing  was  in continuance at Lucknow Bench, but, as is vivid from the first  paragraph  of the said judgment, the Bench heard the learned counsel  for  the  petitioner and the standing counsel for the State and caveator and proceeded to  decide  the matter without a counter affidavit.

9.    Presently, we shall advert to how the Lucknow Bench  dealt  with  this decision.

10.    After  stating  the  basic  pleas,  the  Division  Bench  at  Lucknow proceeded to state as follows:-
             “.......but before we proceed to decide  the  validity  of  the challenge made and the defence put, we  find  it  expedient  to   respond to the  foremost  plea  of  the  respondents  that  the aforesaid Rule 8-A of the U.P.  Government  Servants  Seniority Rules, 1991, (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Rules, 1991), was  challenged before a Division Bench (Hon’ble  Sheo  Kumar  Singh  and Hon’ble Sabhajeet Yadav, JJ) at Allahabad in Writ  Petition No. 63127 of 2010 in re: Mukund Kumar Srivastava  versus  State of U.P. and another, which writ  petition  has  been  dismissed  upholding the validity of the aforesaid  Rule  8-A,  therefore,   this Court is bound by the said judgment passed by a  Bench  of equal strength and hence all these petitions need be  dismissed  only on this ground.” 

   Before the said Bench, it was contended that the judgment rendered  by the Division Bench at Allahabad  is  per  incuriam  and  is  not  a  bindingprecedent.

11.   Various grounds were urged to substantiate the aforesaid  stand.   The Division Bench, after analysing the reasoning  of  the  Allahabad  Bench  in great detail and after referring to certain  decisions  and  the  principles pertaining to binding precedent, opined as follows:-

           “The Division  Bench  at  Allahabad,  did  not  enter  into  the question of exercise of power by the State Government under  the enabling provisions of the Constitution and upheld the  validity   of Rule 8-A only for the reason, that there  did  exist  such  a   power to enact the Rule, whereas the Apex  Court,  very  clearly  has  pronounced,  that  if  the  given  exercise  has  not  been undertaken by the State  Government  while  making  a  rule  for reservation with or without accelerated seniority, such  a  rule may not stand the test of judicial review.

                 In fact, M. Nagraj obliges the  High  Court  that  when   challenge is made to the  reservation  in  promotion,  it  shall scrutinize the same on the given parameters and it also casts  a corresponding duty upon the  State  Government  to  satisfy  the  Court about the exercise undertaken in making such  a  provisio    for reservation.  The Division Bench did not  advert  upon  this   issue, nor the State Government fulfilled its duty as enumerate   in M. Nagraj.

                 The effect of the judgment delivered at Allahabad is  also to be seen in the light of the fact  that  though  the  Division   Bench at Allahabad did not adjudicate on the dispute with regar     to  the  seniority  for  which  the  petitioner   Mukund   Kumar Srivastava has been relegated to  the  remedy  of  State  Public Services Tribunal, but upheld the validity of  Rule  8-A,  which   could not be  said  to  be  the  main  relief,  claimed  by  the  petitioner.

                For the aforesaid reasons and also for  the  reason,  that the present  writ  petitions  do  challenge  the  very  rule  of   reservation in promotion, which challenge we have upheld for    reasons  hereinafter  stated,  because  of  which  the  rule  of    accelerated seniority itself falls to the ground, we, with  deep   respect, are unable to  subscribe  to  the  view  taken  by  the   Division Bench at Allahabad and  hold  that  the  said  judgment  cannot be considered as binding precedent having  been  rendered per incuriam.”
12.   We have reproduced the paragraphs from both the decisions  in  extension to highlight that the Allahabad Bench  was  apprised  about  the  number  of matters at Lucknow filed earlier in point of  time  which  were  being  part heard and the hearing was in continuum.  It would  have  been  advisable  to wait for the verdict at Lucknow Bench or to bring it to the  notice  of  the learned Chief Justice about the similar matters  being  instituted  at  both the places.  The judicial courtesy and  decorum  warranted  such  discipline  which was  expected  from  the  learned  Judges  but  for  the  unfathomable reasons, neither of the courses were  taken  recourse  to.   Similarly,  the Division Bench at Lucknow  erroneously  treated  the  verdict  of  Allahabad Bench not to be a binding precedent on the foundation  that  the  principles laid down by the Constitution Bench in  M.  Nagraj  (supra)  are  not  being appositely appreciated and correctly applied by the  Bench  when  there  was reference to the said decision  and  number  of  passages  were  quoted  an appreciated albeit incorrectly, the same could not have  been  a  ground  to treat the decision as per incuriam or not  a  binding  precedent.   Judicial discipline commands in such a situation when there is disagreement to  refer the matter to a larger Bench.  Instead of doing that, the Division Bench  at
Lucknow took the burden on themselves to decide the case.

13.   In this context, we may profitably quote  a  passage  from  Lala  Shri Bhagwan and another v. Ram Chand and another[3]:-

           “18. .. It is hardly necessary to emphasise that  considerations  of judicial propriety and decorum  require  that  if  a  learned single Judge hearing a matter is inclined to take the view  that  the earlier decisions of the High Court, whether of  a  Division   Bench or of a single Judge, need to be reconsidered,  he  should  not embark upon that enquiry sitting  as  a  single  Judge,  but should refer the matter to a Division  Bench  or,  in  a  proper  case, place the relevant papers  before  the  Chief  Justice  t enable him to constitute a larger Bench to examine the question  That is the proper  and  traditional  way  to  deal  with  such  matters and it is founded  on  healthy  principles  of  judicial  decorum and propriety.  It is to be regretted that  the  learned  single Judge departed from this traditional way in  the  prese  case and chose to examine the question himself.”

14.   In Sundarjas Kanyalal Bhathija and others  v.  The  Collector,  Thane,Maharashtra and others[4] while dealing with judicial discipline,  the  two-Judge Bench has expressed thus:-

           “One must remember that pursuit of the law,  however,  glamoroud  it is, has its own limitation on the Bench.   In  a  multi-JudgeCourt, the Judges are bound by precedents and  procedure.   The could use their  discretion  only  when  there  is  no  declared principle to be found, no rule and no authority.   The  judicia   decorum and legal propriety demand that where a  learned  singl   Judge or a Division Bench does not agree with the decision of  a Bench of co-ordinate jurisdiction, the matter shall be  referred   to a larger Bench.  It is a subversion of judicial  process  not   to follow this procedure.”
      The aforesaid pronouncements clearly lay down what  is  expected  for the Judges when they are confronted  with  the  decision  of  a  Co-ordinate Bench on the same issue.  Any contrary  attitude,  however  adventurous  and glorious may be, would  lead  to  uncertainty  and  inconsistency.   It  has
precisely so happened in the case at hand.  There are two decisions  by  two Division Benches from the same High Court.  We  express  our  concern  about the deviation from the judicial decorum and discipline by both  the  Benches and  expect  that  in  future,  they  shall  be  appositely  guided  by  the conceptual eventuality of such discipline as laid down by  this  Court  from time to time.  We have said so with the fond hope that  judicial  enthusiasm should not obliterate the profound responsibility that is expected from  the

15.   Having dealt with the judicial  dictum  and  the  propriety  part,  shall now proceed to deal with the case on merit as a common  consensus  wa arrived at the Bar for the said purpose.  The affected employees have  filed certain civil appeals against the judgment of the Allahabad High  Court  andb the employees who are affected by the verdict  of  the  Lucknow  Bench  have also preferred appeals.  That apart, the State of U.P. and  the  Corporation have also challenged the decision as the rules  framed  have  been  declared ultra vires.  The main controversy relates to the validity of  Section  3(7) of the 1994 Act and Rule 8A of the 1991 Rules.   Thus,  we  really  have  to advert to the constitutional validity of the said provisions.
16.   Prior to the advertence in aforesaid regard, it is necessary  to  have a certain survey pertaining to  reservation  in  promotional  matters.   The question of reservation and the associated promotion  with  it  has  been  a matter of debate in various decisions of this  Court.   After  independence, there were various areas in respect  of  which  decisions  were  pronounced. Eventually, in the case of Indra Sawhney and another v. Union of  India  and others (supra)  the  nine-Judge  Bench,  while  dealing  with  the question whether  clause  (4)  of  Article  16  of  the  Constitution  provides   for reservation only in the matterof initial  appointment,  direct  recruitment or does it contemplate and  provide  for  reservations  being  made  in  the matter of promotion as well, recorded the submissions of the petitioners  in paragraph 819 which reads as follows: -

                 “The petitioners’ submission is that  the  reservation  of appointments or posts contemplated by clause (4) is only at  the stage of entry into State service, i.e., direct recruitment.  It  is submitted that providing for reservation  thereafter  in  the matter of promotion amounts to a double reservation and if  such  a provision is made at each successive  stage  of  promotion  it would be a case of reservation being provided that  many  times. It is also submitted that by providing reservation in the matter  of promotion, the member of a reserved category  is  enabled  to  leap-frog over his compatriots, which is bound to generate acute   heart burning   and   may   well   lead   to   inefficiency    in administration.  The members of the  open  competition  category  would  come  to  think  that  whatever  be  their   record   and performance, the members of reserved categories  would  steal  a march  over  them,  irrespective  of   their   performance   and  competence.  Examples are give how two persons (A) and (B),  on  belonging to O.C. category and the other belonging  to  reserved category, having been appointed at the same time, the member  of  the reserved category gets promoted earlier and how even in  the   promoted category he jumps over the members of the O.C. category   already there and gains a further promotion  and  so  on.   This  would generate, it is  submitted,  a  feeling  of  disheartening which kills the spirit of competition and develops  a  sense  of    disinterestedness among the members of  O.C.  category.   It  is  pointed out that once persons coming from different sources joi a category or class, they must be treated  alike  thereafter  in  all matters including promotions  and  that  no  distinction  is  permissible on the basis of  their  “birth-mark”.   It  is  also  pointed out that even the Constituent Assembly debates on  draft  Article 10(3)  do  not  indicate  in  any  manner  that  it  was  supported to extend  to  promotions  as  well.   It  is  further  submitted that if  Article  16(4)  is  construed  as  warranting  reservation even in the matter of promotion it would be contrary    to the mandate of Article 335 viz., maintenance of efficiency in   administration.  It is submitted that  such  a  provision  would   amount to putting a premium upon inefficiency.  The  members  of   the reserved category would not work hard since they do not have   to compete  with  all  their  colleagues  but  only  within  the  reserved category  and  further  because  they  are  assured  or   promotion whether they work hard and efficiently or not.  Such a  course would  also  militate  against  the  goal  of  excellence
  referred to in clause (j) of Article 51-A (Fundamental Duties).”

      Thereafter, the Bench referred to the decisions  in  General  Manager S. Rly. v. Rangachari[5], State of Punjab v. Hira  Lal[6],  Akhil  Bharatiya Soshit Karamchari Sangh v. Union of India[7]  and  Comptroller  and  Auditor General v. K.S. Jagannathan[8] and did not agree with  the  view  stated  in Rangachari (supra), despite noting the fact that Rangachari has been  a  law for more than thirty  years  and  that  attempt  to  reopen  the  issue  was repelled in Akhil Bharatiya Soshit Karamchari  Sangh  (supra).   Thereafter, their Lordships addressed to  the  concept  of  promotion  and,  eventuall,y after adverting to certain legal principles, stated thus: -

           “831.  We  must  also  make  it  clear  that  it  would  not  be impermissible  for  the  State   to   extend   concessions   and   relaxations to members of reserved categories in the  matter  of promotion   without   compromising   the   efficiency   of   the administration.  The relaxation concerned in State of Kerala  vs. N.M. Thomas [(1976)  2  SCC  310]  and  the  concessions  namely carrying forward of  vacancies  and  provisions  for  in-servic coaching/training in Karamchari  Sangh  are  instances  of  such concessions  and  relaxations.   However,  it   would   not   be permissible to prescribe lower  qualifying  marks  or  a  lesser  level of evaluation for the members of reserved categories since    that would compromise  the  efficiency  of  administration.   We   reiterate that while  it  may  be  permissible  to prescribe  a   reasonably lesser qualifying marks or evaluation for  the  OBCs,SCs and STs – consistent with the efficiency  of  administration  and the nature of duties attaching to the office concerned –  in  the matter of direct recruitment, such a  course  would  not  be    permissible in the matter of promotions for the reasons recorded  hereinabove.”

   In paragraph 859, while summarising  the  said  aspect,  it  has  beenruled thus: -

   “859. We may summarise our  answers  to  the  various  questionsdealt with and answered hereinabove:

                 ..........       ..............        ...........
        (7)   Article 16(4) does not permit provision  for  reservation  in the matter of promotion.  This rule shall, however, have    only  prospective  operation  and  shall  not  affect   the  promotions already made, whether made on regular  basis  on    on any other basis.  We direct that our  decision  on  this  question shall operate only  prospectively  and  shall  not   affect  promotions  already  made,  whether  on  temporary  officiating or  regular/permanent  basis.   It  is  further   directed that wherever reservations are already provided in  the matter of promotion – be it Central Services  or  State Services,  or  for   that   matter   services   under   any Corporation, authority or body falling under the definition  of ‘State’ in Article 12 – such reservations  may  continuos   in operation for a period of  five  years  from  this  day. Within this period, it would be  open  to  the  appropriate  authorities to revise,  modify  or  re-issue  the  relevant  rules to ensure the achievement of the objective of Article  16(4).  If any authority thinks that for ensuring  adequate  representation of  ‘backward  class  of  citizens’  in  any service, class or category, it is necessary to provide  for    direct recruitment therein, it shall be open to it to do so (Ahmadi, J expresses no opinion on this question  upholding  the preliminary objection of Union of India).  It would not   be impermissible for the State to  extend  concessions  and relaxations to members of reserved categories in the matterof promotion without compromising  the  efficiency  of  theadministration.”

17.   After the said decision, another decision, namely, Union of India  and others v. Virpal Singh Chauhan and others[9] came  to  the  field.   In  the said case, the two-Judge Bench was concerned with the  nature  of  rule  and eservation in promotions obtaining in the  railway  service  and  the  rule concerning the determination of seniority  between  general  candidates  and candidates belonging to reserved classes in the promotional  category.   The Bench referred to the decision in R.K. Sabharwal  v.  State  of  Punjab[10], various  paragraphs  of  the  Indian  Railways  Establishment   Manual   and paragraphs 692 and 693 of the Indra Sawhney  (supra)  and  opined  that  the roster would only ensure the prescribed percentage of reservation but  would not affect the seniority.  It  has  been  stated  that  while  the  reserved candidates  are  entitled  to  accelerated  promotion,  they  would  not  be entitled to consequential seniority.

18.   Thereafter, in Ajit Singh Januja and others v.  State  of  Punjab  and others[11], the three-Judge  Bench  posed  the  question  in  the  following terms: -

          “The controversy which has been raised in  the  present  appeals  is: whether, after the members  of  Scheduled  Castes/Tribes  or Backward Classes for whom specific percentage of posts have been  reserved and roster  has  been  provided  having  been  promoted   against those posts on  the  basis  of  “accelerated  promotion”   because of reservation of posts and applicability of the  roster system, can claim promotion against general  category  posts  in  still higher grade on the basis of their seniority which  itself is  the  result  of  accelerated  promotion  on  the  basis     reservation and roster?”

      The Bench referred to the decisions in Virpal Singh  Chauhan  (supra) R.K. Sabharwal (supra) and Indra Sawhney (supra)  and  ultimately  concurredwith the view expressed in Virpal Singh Chauhan by stating as follows: -

                 “16.  We respectfully concur with the  view  in  Union  of  India v.  Virpal  Singh  Chauhan,  that  seniority  between  the  reserved category  candidates  and  general  candidates  in  the    promoted category shall continue to be governed by  their  panel   position i.e. with reference to their inter se seniority in the lower  grade.   The  rule  of  reservation   gives   accelerated   promotion, but it does not give the accelerated  “consequential  seniority”.  If a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe  candidate  is  promoted earlier because of the rule of  reservation/roster  and his senior belonging to the general category is  promoted  later  to that higher grade the general category candidate shall regain   his seniority over such earlier promoted  Scheduled  Caste/Tribe  candidate.  As already pointed out above that when  a  Scheduled     Caste/ Tribe candidate is promoted earlier by applying the  rule of reservation/roster against a post reserved for such Scheduled
           Caste/Tribe candidate, in this process he does not supersede his seniors belonging to the  general  category.   In  this  process  there was no occasion to examine the  merit  of  such  Scheduled Caste/Tribe candidate vis-a-vis his  seniors  belonging  to  the  general category.  As such it will be only  rational,  just  and proper to hold that  when  the  general  category  candidate  is promoted later from the lower grade to the higher grade, he will  be considered senior to a candidate belonging to  the  Scheduled  Caste/Tribe who had been given accelerated promotion against the   post reserved for him.  Whenever a question arises  for  filling  up a post reserved for  Scheduled  Caste/Tribe  candidate  in  a  still higher grade then such candidate  belonging  to  Scheduled Caste/Tribe shall be promoted first but when  the  consideration is in respect of promotion against the general category post  in   a still higher grade then the general category candidate who has  been promoted later shall be  considered  senior  and  his  case   shall  be  considered  first  for  promotion   applying   either   principle of  seniority-cum-merit  or  merit-cum-seniority.   If this rule and procedure is not applied then result will be  that  majority of the posts in the higher grade shall be held  at  one  stage by persons who have not only entered service on the  basis  of reservation and roster but have excluded the general categor  candidates from being promoted to the posts reserved for general  category candidates  merely  on  the  ground  of  their  initial   accelerated promotions.  This will not be  consistent  with  the  requirement or the spirit of Article 16(4) or Article 335 of the  Constitution.”

19.   In Jagdish Lal and others v. State of Haryana and others[12], a three Judge Bench opined  that  seniority  granted  to  the  Scheduled  Caste  and Scheduled Tribe candidates over a general candidate due to  his  accelerated promotion does not in all events get  wiped  out  on  promotion  of  general candidate.  The Bench explained the  decisions  in  Vir  Pal  Singh  Chauhan (supra) and Ajit Singh Januja (supra).

20.   In Ajit Singh and others (II) v. State of Punjab and  others[13],  the Constitution Bench was concerned with the issue  whether  the  decisions  in Vir Pal Singh Chauhan (supra) and  Ajit  Singh  Januja  (supra)  which  were earlier decided to the effect that the seniority of  general  candidates  is to be confirmed or whether the later deviation made in Jagdish  Lal  (supra) against the general candidates is to be accepted.   The  Constitution  Bench referred to Articles  16(1),  16(4)  and  16(4A)  of  the  Constitution  and
discussed at length the concept of promotion based on equal opportunity  and seniority and treated them to be facets of Fundamental Right  under  Article 16(1) of the Constitution.  The Bench  posed  a  question  whether  Articles 16(4) and 16(4A) guarantee any Fundamental  Right  to  reservation.   Regard being had to the nature of language employed  in  both  the  Articles,  they were to be treated in the nature of enabling provisions.   The  Constitution Bench opined that  Article  16(1)  deals  with  the  Fundamental  Right  and
Articles 16(4) and 16(4A) are the enabling provisions.   After  so  stating, they proceeded  to  analyse  the  ratio  in  Indra  Sawhney  (supra),  Akhil Bharatiya Soshit Karamchari Sangh (supra) and certain other  authorities  in the  field  and,  eventually,  opined  that  it  is  axiomatic  in   service jurisprudence that any promotions made wrongly in excess of  any  quota  are to be treated as ad hoc.  This applies to reservation quota as  much  as  it applies to direct recruits and promotee cases.  If a court decides  that  in order only to remove hardship such roster-point promotees are  not  to  face reversions, - then it  would,  in  our  opinion  be,  necessary  to  hold  – consistent with our interpretation of Articles 14  and  16(1)  –  that  such promotees cannot plead for grant of  any  additional  benefit  of  seniority flowing from a wrong application of the roster.  While  courts  can  relieve immediate hardship arising out of a past  illegality,  courts  cannot  grant additional benefits like  seniority  which  have  no  element  of  immediate hardship.  Ultimately  while  dealing  with  the  promotions  already  given before 10.2.1995 the Bench directed as follows: -

           “Thus, while promotions in excess of roster  made  before  10-2- 1995 are  protected,  such  promotees  cannot  claim  seniority. Seniority in the promotional cadre of such  excess  roster-point promotees shall have to be reviewed  after  10-2-1995  and  will   count only from the date on which they would have otherwise  got  normal promotion  in  any  future  vacancy  arising  in  a  post pr  the “prospectivity” point in relation to Sabharwal.”

21.   At this juncture, it is  condign  to  note  that  Article  16(4A)  and Article 16 (4B) were inserted in the Constitution to confer  promotion  with onsequential seniority and  introduced  the  concept  of  carrying  forward vacancies treating the vacancies meant for reserved category  candidates  as a separate class of vacancies.  The said Articles as amended  from  time  to
time read as follows: -

                 “16(4A)    Nothing in this Article shall prevent the Statt  from  making  any  provision  for  reservation  in  matters   of   promotion, with consequential seniority, to any class or classes  of posts in the services  under  the  State  in  favour  of  the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes which, in the  opinion of the State, are not adequately  represented  in  the  services under the State.

                    16(4B)      Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from  considering any unfilled vacancies of a year which are  reserved  for being  filled  up  in  that  year  in  accordance  with  any  provision for reservation made under clause (4)  or  (4A)  as  a   separate class of vacancies to be filled up  in  any  succeeding  year  or  years  and  such  class  of  vacancies  shall  not  be  considered together with the vacancies of the year in which they  are being filled up for determining the  ceiling  of  fifty  per cent reservation on total number of that year.”

22.   The validity of the said Articles were challenged under Article 32  of the Constitution of India before this Court and the  Constitution  Bench  in M. Nagraj (supra) upheld the validity of  the  said  Articles  with  certain qualifiers/riders by taking recourse to the process of  interpretation.   As the controversy rests mainly on the said decision, we will advert to  it  indetail at a later stage.

23.   Presently,  we  shall  dwell  upon  the  provisions  that  were  under challenge before the High Court.  The Legislative Assembly of Uttar  Pradesh brought  in  a  legislation,  namely,  the  Uttar  Pradesh  Public  Services(Reservation for Scheduled  Castes,  Scheduled  Tribes  and  other  Backward Classes) Act, 1994 (UP Act No. 4 of 1994)  to  provide  for  reservation  in public services and posts in favour of the persons  belonging  to  Schedule Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward  Classes  of  citizens  and  for
matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.   Section 3(7), which  isrelevant for our present purpose, reads as follows: -

        “Reservation in  favour  of  Scheduled  Castes,  Schedule Tribes and other Backward Classes. –

         (7)   If, on the date of commencement of this  Act,  reservation was in force under Government Orders for appointment to posts to  be filled by promotion, such Government Orders shall continue to    be applicable till they are modified or revoked.”

      Sub-section (7) of Section 3 was the subject-matter of  assail  before the High Court.

24.    As the factual matrix  would  reveal,  the  State  of  Uttar  Pradesh brought into existence  the  Uttar  Pradesh  Government  Servants  Seniority (First Amendment) Rules, 2002 on the 18th of October, 2002  in  exercise  of the power conferred under Article 309  of  the  Constitution  whereby  after Rule 8, new Rule 8-A was inserted.  The said Rule reads as follows: -

           “8-A. Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule s6,7  or  8  of these rules, a person  belonging  to  the  Scheduled  Castes  or Scheduled Tribes shall on his promotion by  virtue  of  rule  of reservation/ roster,  be  entitled  to  consequential  seniority     also.”ns made in accordance with the revised seniority as determined under  Rule  8-A prior to  the  commencement  of  the  2005  Rules  could  not  be  affected.
Thereafter, on September 14, 2007, by the Uttar Pradesh Government  Servants Seniority (Third Amendment) Rules, 2007, Rule 8-A was inserted in  the  same language  which  we  have  already reproduced  hereinabove.   It  has  been mentioned in the said Rule that it shall be deemed to have comeinto  force on June 17,  1995.   It  is  germane  to  note  here  that  the  U.P.  Power Corporation Limited adopted the said Rules as there is no dispute about  the fact that after the Rules came into existence and have been given effect  to at some places and that is why the challenge to the constitutional  validityof the Act and the Rules was made before the High Court.   We  have  alreadyindicated how both the Benches have dealt with the said situation.

26.   At this stage, we may usefully state that  though  number  of  appeals have been preferred, yet some relate to the assail  of  the  interim  orders and some to the final orders.  We may only state for  the  sake  of  clarity and convenience that if Section 3(7) and Rule 8-A as  amended  in  2007  are held to  be  constitutionally  valid,  all  the  appeals  are  bound  to  be dismissed and if they are held to be ultra vires, then the  judgment  passed by   the   Lucknow   Bench   shall   stand   affirmed   subject    to    any clarification/modification in our order.

27.   As has been noticed hereinbefore, the Allahabad Bench  had  understood the dictum in M. Nagaraj (supra) in a  different  manner  and  the  Division Bench at Lucknow in a different manner.  The learned counsel  appearing  for various  parties  have  advanced  their  contentions  in  support   of   the provisions in the enactment and the Rules.  We would like to condense  their basic arguments and endeavour to  pigeon-hole  keeping  in  view  the  facts which are requisite to be referred to at the time of analysis  of  the  said decision in the backdrop of the verdict in M. Nagaraj (supra).

28.   Mr. Andhyarujina and Mr. Raju Ram  Chandran,  learned  senior  counsel criticising the decision passed by the Lucknow Bench,  have  submitted  that the High  Court  has  fallen  into  grave  error  by  not  scrutinising  the materials produced before it, as a  consequence  of  which  a  sanctuary  of errors have crept into it.  If the counter  affidavit  and  other  documents are studiedly scanned, it would be luminescent that opinion has been  formed as regards inadequate representation in promotional  posts  and,  therefore, it had become an imperative to provide for reservation.  The opinion  formed by the Government need not be with mathematical precision to broad  spectrum and such exercise has already  been  done  by  the  State  of  U.P.,   since reservation in promotional  matters  was  already  in  vogue  by  virtue  of administrative circulars and statutory provisions for  few  decades.      It is urged that the concept  of  inadequate  representation  and  backwardness have  been  accepted  by  the  amending  power  of  the  Constitution   and, therefore, the High Court has totally flawed by laying unwarranted  emphasis on the said concepts.  The High Court could not have sat in  appeal  on  the rule of reservation solely on the factual bedrock.   The  chart  brought  onrecord would reflect department wise how the persons from  backward  classes have not been extended the benefit of  promotion  and  the  same  forms  the foundation for making the enactment and  framing  the  rule  and  hence,  no fault could have been found with the same.  Once  an  incumbent  belongs  to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes   category,  it  is  conclusive  that  he suffers from backwardness and no further enquiry is necessary.  It has  been clearly held in  the  case  of  Indra  Sawhney  (supra)  that  the  test  or requirement of social and educational  backwardness  cannot  be  applied  to Scheduled  Castes/  Scheduled  Tribes  who  indubitably  fall   within   the expression ‘Backward Classes of Citizen’.    It  is  beyond  any  shadow  of doubt that Scheduled Castes/  Scheduled  Tribes  are  a  separate  class  by themselves and the creamy layer principle is not  applicable  to  them.   It has been so held in Avinash Singh Bagri and Ors. v. Registrar IIT Delhi  and Another[14].   Article 16 (4A) uses the phrase ‘in the opinion of’  and  the said word carries a different meaning to convey that  it  is  subjective  in
nature  rather  than  objective.    The  Report  of  the   “Social   Justice Committee” dated 28.06.2001 clearly ascertains the need  for  implementation of reservation in promotional matters in public service in  U.  P.  and  the said Report deserves acceptance.  The  State  Government  was  possessed  of
sufficient materials to  implement  the  promotional  provisions  which  are enabling in nature  and  the  same  is  justified  by  the  “Social  Justice Committee Report” which has examined the current  status  of  implementation of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes and other backward  classes  in  other public services  with  respect  to  their  quota,  their  participation  and progress in various services, the substantial backlog in  promotional  posts in category A, B and  C  posts  and  the  inadequacy  of  representation  in
promotional posts and various  departments  and  State  owned  corporations. The High Court has completely erred  specially  when  there  was  sufficient data available with the State Government.  Regard being had  to  the  factum that the said promotions were being given for few decades, a fresh  exercise regarding  adequacy  was  not  necessary.   The  concept  of  efficiency  as stipulated under Article 335 of the Constitution is in no  way  affected  if the reservation does not exceed 50%.    The  consequential  seniority  being vested by the Constitution, it follows as natural corollary  and  hence,  no further exercise was required to be undertaken.   The  learned  counsel  for the State has drawn  the  attention  of  this  Court  with  respect  to  the percentage of representation to justify that requisite  data  was  available
and no further exercise was needed and, therefore, the decision of the  High Court is fundamentally fallacious.

29.   Mr. P. S Patwalia, learned senior counsel appearing  in  some  appeals for  the  corporation,  has  submitted  that  the  requirement   of   having quantifiable data is not a new concept propounded in the case of M.   Nagraj (supra) but is a  reiteration  of  the  earlier  view  enunciated  in  Indra Sawhney case (supra) and, therefore,  the  provision  could  not  have  been declared as  ultra  vires.   The  emphasis  on  backwardness  is  absolutely misconceived, for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes are  duly  notified  as such in the Presidential list by virtue of  Articles  341  and  342  of  the Constitution.  Their exclusion from the  list  can  alone  be  done  by  the amendment of the Presidential Order and hence, any  kind  of  collection  ofata as regards the backwardness is an exercise in  futility.   The  concept of creamy layer principle cannot be applied to Scheduled  Castes/  Scheduled Tribes as has been held in the case  of  Ashok  Kumar  Thakur  v.  Union  of India[15].       Learned senior counsel has placed reliance on the  decision in E. V. Chinniah v. State of Andhra Pradesh[16]  to  highlight  that  there may be only one list of Scheduled  Castes/Scheduled  Tribes  and  this  list constitutes one group for the purpose of reservation and the same cannot  be interfered with, disturbed, re-grouped or re-classified by  the  State.   In essence, the submission is that there may not  be  exclusion  by  engrafting the principle of backwardness for the purpose of reservation  in  promotion. Commenting on the adequacy of representation, it is urged by  Mr.   Patwalia that the data was immediately collected after the 1994 Act  and  thereafter, no fresh data was necessary to be collected after the decision  rendered  by the Constitution Bench in M. Nagraj (supra).  It  is  further  submitted  by the learned counsel that even if quantifiable data  is  not  collected,  the State can be asked to do so in view of the order passed by this Court in  S. B Joshi  v. State of Karnatka and Others in W.P.  259  of  1994  decided  on 13.07.2010.  The efficiency of service as encapsuled in Article 335  of  the Constitution  has  been  duly  respected  by  providing  a  uniform  minimum tandard of the matters of promotion as far as the Corporation is  concerned and, therefore, no fault can be found in that regard.

30.   Mr.  P. P. Rao,  learned senior counsel  appearing  for  some  of  the private respondents assailing the decision of the Lucknow Bench,  has  urged that when there was no challenge to the orders issued  prior  the  amendment for reservation in promotion, no quantifiable  data is  necessary.   Section 3 (7) of the 1994 Act does  not  make  any  change  except  recognising  the earlier orders which lay down that they  shall  continue  to  be  applicable till it is modified or revoked and, therefore, it has  only  been  conferred
statutory recognition.     The High Court has misunderstood the decision  in M. Nagraj (supra) while stating that the  collection  of  quantifiable  data was not undertaken though  the  said  decision  clearly  lays  down  that  a collection of quantifiable data showing backwardness for the class would  be required while demonstrating the same in Court to the  extent  of  promotion when it is under challenge.  In the case at  hand,  the  issue  is  not  the extent  of  reservation  or  excessive  reservation   but   reservation   in
promotion.  That apart, the principles laid down in  M.  Nagraj  (supra)  do not get attracted if reservation in promotion is sought to be made  for  the first  time  but  not  for  continuing  the  reservation  on  the  basis  of assessment made by the Parliament in exercise  of  its  constituent  powers. The Constitutional Amendment removed the  base  of  the  decision  in  Indra Sawhney (supra) that reservation in promotion is  not  permissible  and  the Government in its wisdom has carried out the assessment earlier and  decided to continue the policy and, therefore, to lay down  the  principle  that  in view of the decision in M Nagraj (supra),  a  fresh  exercise  is  necessary would tantamount to putting the concept in the realm  of  inherent  fallacy.  The decision in Suraj Bhan Meena  and  Another  v.  State  of  Rajasthan  & Ors.[17] is not a binding  precedent  inasmuch  as  it  takes  note  of  the contention (at paragraph 24 at page no.  474-475 of  the  Report)  but  does not deal with it.  The  85th  Amendment  which  provides  for  consequential
seniority wipes out the  ‘catch  up’   rule  ‘from  its  inception  and  the general principle of seniority from the date of promotion  operates  without any break and for  the  same  reason  the  said  amendment  had  been  given retrospective effect’.  The intention of  the  Parliament  at  the  time  of exercise of its constitutional power clearly states that the  representation nof Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes in the services in the States had  not reached the required level and it is  necessary  to  continue  the  existing position of providing reservation in promotion  in  the  case  of  Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes.  The  learned  senior  counsel  has  laid  immense emphasis on the intention of the Parliament and the Legislature to  continue
the policy and, pyramiding the said submission, he  has  contended  that  no fresh exercise is required.    It is propounded by Mr. Rao that  Article  16 basically relates to classes and not backward individuals and therefore,  no stress should be given on  the  backwardness.   Alternatively,  the  learned senior counsel has submitted that the matter should be referred to a  larger Bench, regard being had to the important issue involved in the case.

31.    Mr. Rakesh Dwivedi, learned senior counsel  who  represents  some  of the petitioners aggrieved by the Lucknow  Bench  decision,  has  urged  that backwardness is presumed in view of the nine-Judge Bench decision  in  Indra kSawhney (supra) and the same has to  be  regarded  beyond  any  cavil.   The dictum in  M.  Nagraj  (supra) cannot be understood  to  mandate  collection of quantifiable data for judging the backwardness of the  Scheduled  Castes Scheduled   Tribes   while   making   reservation   in   promotion.     But,unfortunately, the High Court has understood the Judgment in  the  aforesaid manner.   There  is  no material  produced  on  record  to  establish  that Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes  candidates  having  been  conferred  the benefit  of  promotion  under  reservation  have  ceased  to  be   backward. Though the decision in Indra Sawhney (supra)  held  that  the  promotion  in reservation is impermissible, yet it continued the reservation in  promotion for a period of five years and, therefore, the Constitution  Amendment  came
into force in this backdrop Section 3 (7) of the 1994  Act  could  not  have been treated to be invalid.  But the stand that the refixation of  seniority after coming into existence of Rule 8-A of the Rules  or  the  rule  by  the corporation is basically fallacious, for persons who were  promoted  earlier to the higher post are entitled to seniority from  the  date  of  promotion. The learned senior counsel has contended that after  coming  into  force  of the amendment  of  the  Constitution  by  inserting  Article  16  (4A),  the decisions in Rangachary (supra) and Akhil Bhartiya Karmachari Sangh  (supra) have been restored and the concept of ‘catch up’ rule as propounded in  Ajit Singh II (supra) has also been nullified.  Article 16  (4A)  only  makes  it explicit  what  is  implicit  under  service  jurisprudence  in  matters  of promotion and the said benefit was always enjoyed by the  Scheduled  Castes/ Scheduled Tribes people and M. Nagraj (supra) does not intend to affect  the said aspect.  The learned counsel has referred to  paragraph  798  of  Indra Sawhney (supra) to highlight the  scope  of  judicial  scrutiny  in  matters which are within the subjective satisfaction of the executive and are to  be tested as per  the law laid down in Barium Chemicals v.  Company  Law  Board [18].  In essence, the submission is that in adequacy of  representation  is in the domain of subjective satisfaction of the State Government and  is  to be regarded as a policy decision of the State.  The learned  senior  counsel has distinguished the principle enunciated in Suraj Bhan Meena (supra).   In that case, the court was not dealing with an  issue  where  the  reservation had already been made and was in  continuance.   It  is  highlighted  by  Mr Dwivedi that in the present case the issue is not  one  where  there  is  no material on record to justify  the  subjective  satisfaction,  but,  on  the contrary, there is adequate material to show that the State  Government  was justified in introducing the provision in the Act and the Rule.  As  regards the efficiency in administration  has  mandate  under  Article  335  of  the Constitution, the submission of  Mr.  Dwivedi  is  that  the  constitutional amendment has been made keeping  in  mind  the  decision  in  Indra  Sawhney (supra) and the amendment of Article 335  facilitates  the  reservations  in
promotion.  The learned senior counsel would  contend  that  maintenance  of efficiency basically would convey laying a prescription by  maintaining  the minimum standard and in the case of the Corporation it  has  been  so  done. It has been propounded by him that if backwardness  becomes  the  criterion, it would bring out the internal conflict in the dictum of M. Nagraj  (supra) and then in that case it has to be reconciled keeping  in  view  the  common thread of judgment or the matter should  be  referred  to  a  larger  Bench.
In any case, M. Nagraj (supra) does not lay down that the quantifiable  data of backwardness should be  collected  with  respect  to  eligible  Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes employees seeking  promotion.    Mr.  Dwivedi   has commended to  the decision in  Union  of  India  v.  Rakesh  Kumar  [19]  to highlight that the proportion of population is the thumb rule as far as  the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes are concerned  and  that  should  be  the laser  beam  to  adjudge   the  concept  of   inadequacy   of   reservation. Reservation in promotion involves a balancing act between the national  need to equalise by affirmative action and to do social justice on one  hand  and to ensure that equality of opportunity as envisaged under Article 14 is  not unduly affected by the benefit of promotion which has been conferred by  the Act and Rules on the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes as a  balancing  act and same has always been upheld by this Court.

32.   Mr. Shanti Bhushan, learned senior counsel,  has  submitted  that  the Constitution Bench in M. Nagaraj  (supra)  has  clearly  laid  down  certain conditions, namely,  that  there  must  be  compelling  reasons  for  making reservation in promotion; that the State is not bound  to  make  reservation for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes in matters of promotion; that if  the State thinks that there are compelling reasons to make such  reservation  in promotion,  it  is  obligatory  on  the  part  of  the  State   to   collect quantifiable data showing the backwardness of the class  and  inadequacy  of representation of that class in public employment and also  by  making  such reservation in promotion, the efficiency in administration is not  affected; that the exercise is required to be made before making any  reservation  for
promotion; that the State has not applied its mind to  the  question  as  to what  could  be  regarded  as  an  adequate  representation  for   Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in respect of  promotion;  that  the  provision  for reservation in matters of promotion has to be considered  in  any  class  or classes of posts not adequately represented in the services under the  State but unfortunately, the exercise in that regard has not at all been taken  up but amendments have been incorporated; that the concept of backwardness  and inadequacy of representation  as  understood  in  the  case  of  M.  Nagaraj (supra) has been absolutely misunderstood  and  misconstrued  by  the  State Government as a consequence of which the Rules of the  present  nature  have come into existence; that the overall efficiency as enshrined under  Article 335 of the Constitution has been given a total go-bye  which  makes  Section 3(7) of the 1994 Act and Rule 8-A absolutely vulnerable and thereby  invites the frown of the enabling provision and the dictum in  M.  Nagaraj  (supra); that Rule 8-A which confers accelerated seniority would leave  no  room  for the efficient general category officers which is not the  intention  of  the framers of the  Constitution  and  also  as  it  is  understood  by  various decisions of this Court.

33.   Dr. Rajeev Dhavan, learned senior counsel, supporting the decision  of the Division  Bench  which  has  declared  the  Rule  as  ultra  vires,  has submitted that if M. Nagaraj (supra)  is  properly  read,  it  does  clearly convey  that  social  justice  is  an  over  reaching   principle   of   the Constitution like secularism,  democracy,  reasonableness,  social  justice, etc. and it emphasises on the equality code and the parameters fixed by  the Constitution Bench as the basic purpose is to bring in a  state  of  balance but the said balance is destroyed by Section 3(7) of the 1994 Act  and  Rule 8-A inasmuch as no exercise has been undertaken during the post  M.  Nagaraj (supra)  period.   In  M.  Nagraj  (supra),  there  has  been  emphasis   on
interpretation and implementation, width and identity, essence of  a  right, the equality code and  avoidance  of  reverse  discrimination,  the  nuanced distinction between the adequacy and  proportionality,  backward  class  and backwardness, the concept of contest specificity as  regards  equal  justice and efficiency, permissive nature of the provisions and  conceptual  essence of guided power, the implementation in concrete terms which would not  cause violence to the  constitutional  mandate;  and  the  effect  of  accelerated
seniority and the conditions prevalent for satisfaction  of  the  conditions precedent to invoke the settled  principles.   The  learned  senior  counsel further submitted that M. Nagaraj (supra) deals with  cadre  and  the  posts but the State has applied it across the  board  without  any  kind  of  real quantifiable data  after pronouncement of the M.  Nagaraj  (supra).   It  is his further submission that after Section 3(7) of the 1994 Act and  Rule  8- A are allowed to  stand,  the  balancing   factor  which  has  so  far  been sustained by this Court especially pertaining  to  reservation  would  stand crucified. It is urged by him that the chart  supplied  by  the  State  only refers to the number and, seniority of officers but it does  not  throw  any light on the core issue and further, a mere submission of a chart would  not meet the requisite criteria as specified in M. Nagaraj (supra).

34.   Mr. Vinod  Bobde,  learned  senior  counsel,  has  submitted  that  if accelerated seniority is confirmed on  the  roster  by  the  promotees,  the consequences would be disastrous inasmuch as the  said  employee  can  reach the fourth level by the time he attains the age of 45 years and at  the  age of 49, he would reach the highest  level  and  stay  there  for  nine  years whereas a general merit promotee would reach the third level out of the  six levels at the age of 56 and by the time he gets eligibility to get into  the fourth level, he would reach the age of superannuation.  It is urged by  him that if reservation in promotion is to be made, there has to  be  collection of quantifiable data, regard being had to the  backwardness  and  inadequacy
of representation in respect of the posts in a particular  cadre  and  while doing so, the  other  condition  as  engrafted  under  Article  335  of  the Constitution  relating  to  the  efficiency  of  administration  has  to  be maintained.  It is his  further  submission  that  in  M.  Nagaraj  (supra), Articles 16(4A) and 16(4B) have been treated to be enabling  provisions  and an enabling provision does not create a fundamental  right.   If  the  State thinks to exercise the power, it has  to  exercise  the  power  strictly  in accordance with  the  conditions  postulated  in  the  case  of  M.  Nagaraj (supra).  The State of U.P. has totally misguided itself by  harbouring  the notion that merely because there has  to  be   representation  of  Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes  in  the  services,  the  State  is  obliged  to provide for reservation in promotion  under  Article  16(4A).   The  learned senior counsel would vehemently contend that nothing  has  been  brought  on
record to show that after pronouncement of M.  Nagaraj  (supra),  the  State had carried out an exercise but has built a castle in Spain by stating  that the provision being always there, the data was available.  It  is  canvassed that the stand of the State runs counter to the principles laid down  in  M. Nagaraj  (supra)  which  makes  Section  3(7)  and  Rule   8-A   sensitively susceptible.  The consequential seniority was introduced on  18.10.2002  but was obliterated on 13.5.2005 and thereafter, it  was  revived  on  14.9.2007
with  retrospective  effect  and  the  reason  is  demonstrable   from   the order/circular  dated  17.10.2007  which  is  based   on   total   erroneous understanding and appreciation of the law laid down by this  Court.   It  is argued by him that the Act and the Rules  were  amended  solely  keeping  in view the constitutional provision totally ignoring  how  the  said  Articles were interpreted by this Court.  It is propounded  by  Mr.  Bobde  that  the State has referred  to  certain  data  and  the  “Social  Justice  Committee Report” of 2001 but the  same  cannot  save  the  edifice  of  the  impugned statutory provision and the Rules as the State could  not  have  anticipated what this  Court  was  going  to  say  while  upholding  the  constitutional validity.

35.   Mr. Ranjit Kumar, learned senior counsel, has  laid  immense  emphasis on paragraphs 121 to 123 of M. Nagaraj (supra) to buttress  the  stand  that reservation in promotional matters is subject to the  conditions  enumerated in the said paragraphs.  The learned senior counsel  has  drawn  inspiration from an order dated 11.3.2010 passed by a two-Judge Bench in  Writ  Petition (civil) 81 of 2002 wherein the direction was given that the validity may  be challenged and on such challenge, the same shall be decided in view  of  the final decision in M.  Nagaraj  (supra).   The  learned  senior  counsel  has placed reliance on Ashok Kumar Thakur v. Union of India  and  others[20]  to highlight  that  any  privilege  given  to  a  class  should  not  lead   to inefficiency.  Emphasis has also been laid on the term  backwardness  having nexus with the reservation in promotion and collection of quantifiable  data in a proper perspective.  He has drawn inspiration from  various  paragraphs in M. Nagaraj (supra) to show  that  when  an  enabling  provision  is  held valid, its  exercise  can  be  arbitrary  and  in  the  case  at  hand,  the provisions are absolutely arbitrary, unreasonable and irrational.

36.         To appreciate the rival submissions raised at the  bar  and  the core controversy, it is absolutely seemly to understand what has  been  held in M. Nagraj  (supra)  by  the  Constitution  Bench.   While  assailing  the validity  of  Article  16(4A)  of  the  Constitution  which   provides   for reservation in promotion with a consequential seniority,  it  was  contended that equity in the context of Article 16(1) connotes  accelerated  promotion so as not to include consequential seniority and as consequential  seniority has  been  attached  to  the  accelerated  promotion,   the   constitutional amendment is violative  of  Article  14  read  with  Article  16(1)  of  the Constitution.  Various examples were  cited  about  the  disastrous  affects that would be ushered in, in view of the amendment.  After  noting  all  the contentions, the Constitution Bench addressed to the concept of  reservation in the context of Article 16(4) and further proceeded to deal  with  equity, justice and merit.  In that context, the Bench stated thus: -
           “This problem has to be examined, therefore,  on  the  facts  ofeach case. Therefore, Article 16(4) has to be construeted the  light  of  Article 335 of  the   Constitution.   Inadequacy   in   representation and backwardness of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled    Tribes are circumstances which enable the  State  Government  to act under Article 16(4) of the Constitution. However, as held by this Court the limitations on the discretion of  the  Governmen    in the matter of  reservation  under  Article 16(4) as  well  as  Article 16(4A) come  in   the   form   of   Article 335 of   the Constitution.”

      While  dealing  with  reservation   and   affirmative   action,   the Constitution Bench opined thus: -

 “48.  It is the equality "in  fact"  which  has  to  be  decided  looking at the ground reality.  Balancing  comes  in  where  the   question concerns the extent of reservation. If  the  extent  of reservation goes beyond cut-off point then it results in reverse discrimination. Anti-discrimination legislation has  a  tendency of pushing towards de facto reservation. Therefore, a  numerical  benchmark  is   the   surest   immunity   against   charges   of discrimination.

        49. Reservation is necessary for transcending caste and not  for  perpetuating it. Reservation has to be used in a  limited  sense   otherwise  it  will  perpetuate   casteism   in   the   country    Reservation  is  under-written  by  a   special   justification   Equality  in  Article 16(1) is  individual-   specific   whereas reservation in Article 16(4) and Article 16 (4-A)  is  enabling   The  discretion  of  the  State  is,  however,  subject  to  the  existence of "backwardness" and "inadequacy  of  representation" in public employment. Backwardness has to be based on  objective  factors whereas inadequacy has to factually exist. This is where  judicial review comes in.  However,  whether  reservation  in  a given case is desirable or not, as a policy, is not  for  us  to  decide as long as the parameters mentioned in Articles 16(4) and  16(4-A) are maintained. As stated  above,  equity,  justice  and  merit (Article 335)/efficiency are variables which can  only  be  identified and measured by the State. Therefore, in each case, a contextual case has to be  made  out  depending  upon  different  circumstances which may exist Statewise.”

37.   The Bench referred  to  the  cases  of  Indra  Sawhney  (supra),  R.K. Sabharwal (supra), Vir Pal Singh Chauhan (supra),  Ajit  Singh  (I)  (supra) and Ajit Singh (II) (supra) and opined that the  concept  of  catch-up  rule and consequential seniority are judicially evolved concepts to  control  the extent in reservation and the creation  of  this  concept  is  relatable  to service jurisprudence.  Thereafter, the Constitution Bench referred  to  the scope of the  impugned  amendment  and  the  Objects  and  Reasons  and,  in paragraph 86, observed thus: -

           “Clause (4-A) follows the pattern specified in Clauses  (3)  an (4) of Article 16. Clause (4-A) of       Article  16  emphasizes  the opinion  of  the  States  in   the   matter   of   adequacy   of representation. It gives freedom to the State in an  appropriate  case  depending  upon  the  ground  reality   to   provide   for  reservation in matters of promotion to any class or  classes  of  posts in the services. The State has to form its opinion on  the quantifiable data regarding adequacy of  representation.  Clause (4-A) of Article 16 is an enabling provision. It  gives  freedom  to the State to provide for reservation in matters of promotion. Clause (4-A) of Article 16 applies only to SCs and STs. The said  clause is carved out of Article 16(4). Therefore,  Clause  (4-A) will be governed by the two compelling reasons -  "backwardness"  and   "inadequacy   of   representation",   as   mentioned    in  Article 16(4). If the said two reasons do  not  exist  then  the  enabling provision cannot come into force. The  State  can  make provision for reservation only if the  above  two  circumstances   exist. Further in Ajit Singh (II) , this  Court  has  held  that   apart from “backwardness” and “inadequacy of representation” the  State shall also keep  in  mind  “overall  efficiency”  (Article   335). Therefore, all the three factors have to be kept  in  mind by the appropriate Government in providing  for  reservation  is promotion for SCs and STs.”

          Thereafter, the Bench referred to the 2000 Amendment Act, the  Objectsand Reasons and the proviso inserted to Article 335 of the Constitution  and held thus: -

            “98.  By the Constitution (Eighty-Second Amendment) Act, 2000, a  proviso  was  inserted  at  the  end  of  Article 335   of   the   Constitution which reads as under:

                   “Provided that nothing in this article shall  prevent  in making of any provision in favour of the members of  the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes for relaxation in qualifying  marks  in  any  examination  or  lowering   the standards of evaluation,  for  reservation  in  matters  of promotion to any class or classes of services or  posts  in connection with the affairs of the Union or of a State.”

           99.    This  proviso  was  added  following   the   benefit   of reservation in promotion conferred upon SCs and STs alone.  This proviso was inserted keeping in mind the judgment of this  Court in Vinod Kumar which took the view that relaxation in matters of  reservation   in   promotion   was   not    permissible    under Article 16(4) in view of the command contained  in  Article 335. Once a  separate  category  is  carved  out  of  Clause  (4)  of Article 16 then that  category  is  being  given  relaxation  in  matters of reservation in promotion. The proviso is confined  to    SCs and STs alone. The  said  proviso  is  compatible  with  the scheme of Article 16(4-A).”

      In paragraph 102, their Lordships have ruled thus: -

           “Clause (4) of Article 16, however, states that the  appropriate  Government is free to provide for reservation in cases where  it is satisfied on the basis of  quantifiable  data  that  backward  class is inadequately represented in the services. Therefore, in  every case where the State decides to  provide  for  reservation  there must exist two circumstances, namely,  “backwardness”  and“inadequacy of representation’. As stated above, equity, justic    and efficiency are variable factors. These factors are  context- specific. There is no fixed yardstick to  identify  and  measure  these  three  factors,  it  will  depend  on   the   facts   and  circumstances of each case. These are  the  limitations  on  the mode of the exercise of  power  by  the  State.  None  of  thes   limitations have been removed by the impugned amendments. If the  concerned State fails  to  identify  and  measure  backwardness,    inadequacy and overall administrative efficiency  then  in  that event the provision for  reservation  would  be  invalid.  These   amendments     do     not     alter     the     structure     of   Articles 14, 15 and 16 (equity code). The  parameters  mentione    in Article 16(4) are retained.  Clause  (4-A)  is  derived  from Clause (4) of Article 16. Clause (4-A) is confined  to  SCs  and  STs alone. Therefore, the  present  case  does  not  change  the identity of the Constitution.”

After so stating, it was observed that there is no violation  of  the  basic structure of the Constitution and the provisions  are  enabling  provisions. At that juncture, it has been observed as follows: -

           “Article 16(4) is enacted as a remedy for  the  past  historical  discriminations against a social class. The object  in  enacting the enabling provisions  like  Articles 16(4), 16(4-A) and 16(4-   B) is that the State is empowered to identify and recognize  the compelling interests. If the State has quantifiable data to show backwardness and inadequacy then the State can make reservations   in promotions keeping in mind maintenance of efficiency which is held to be a constitutional limitation on the discretion of  the   State in making reservation  as  indicated  by  Article 335.  As  stated  above,  the  concepts   of   efficiency,   backwardness,   inadequacy of representation are required to be  identified  and  measured. That exercise depends on availability  of  data.  That  exercise depends on numerous factors. It is for this reason that  enabling  provisions  are  required  to  be  made  because  each competing claim seeks to achieve certain  goals.  How  best  one should optimize these conflicting claims can only be done by theadministration in the context of local prevailing conditions  in public employment. This is amply  demonstrated  by  the  various decisions of this Court discussed hereinabove. Therefore,  there   is a basic difference between “equality in law” and “equality in fact”   (See Affirmative   Action   by   William   Darity).   If Articles 16(4-A) and 16(4-B)  flow  from  Article 16(4) and   if   Article 16(4) is  an  enabling  provision  then   Articles 16(4-   A) and 16(4-B) are also enabling  provisions.  As  long  as  the  boundaries mentioned  in  Article 16(4),  namely,  backwardness, inadequacy and efficiency  of  administration  are  retained  in  Articles 16(4-A) and 16(4-B) as controlling factors,  we  cannot attribute   constitutional   invalidity   to   these    enabling provisions. However,  when  the  State  fails  to  identify  and  implement the controlling factors then excessiveness  comes  in,   which is to be decided on the facts of each  case.  In  a  give     case, where excessiveness  results  in  reverse  discrimination, this Court has to examine individual cases and decide the matter   in accordance with law. This is the theory  of  “guided  power”.We may once again repeat that equality is not violated  by  mere  conferment of power but it is breached by arbitrary exercise  of the power conferred.”

In paragraph 108, the Bench analyzed  the  concept  of  application  of  the doctrine of guided power under Article 335 of the Constitution and, in  that context,  opined thus: -

           “Therefore, the question before us is - whether the State  could  be  empowered  to  relax  qualifying  marks  or  standards   for  reservation in matters of promotion. In  our  view,  even  after   insertion of this proviso, the limitation of overall  efficience  in Article 335 is not obliterated. Reason is  that  "efficiency   is a variable factor. It is for State  concerned  to decide in     given case, whether the overall  efficiency  of  the  system  is   affected by such relaxation. If the relaxation is  so  excessive   that it ceases to be qualifying marks then certainly in a  given   case, as in the past, the  State  is  free  not  to  relax  such standards. In other cases, the  State  may  evolve  a  mechanism  under which efficiency, equity and justice, all three variables,  could be accommodated. Moreover, Article 335 is to be read  with Article 46 which provides that  the  State  shall  promote  with  special care the  educational  and  economic  interests  of  the  weaker sections  of  the  people  and,  in  particular,  of  the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, and  shall  protect  them   from  social  injustice.  Therefore,  where  the   State   finds compelling interests of  backwardness  and  inadequacy,  it  may   relax  the  qualifying  marks  for  SCs/STs.  These   compellin  interests  however  have  to  be  identified  by   weighty   and  comparable data.”

      Thereafter, the Constitution Bench proceeded to deal with the test  to judge the validity of the impugned State Acts and opined as follows: -

           “110. As stated above, the boundaries of the width of the power   namely, the ceiling-limit of 50% (the numerical benchmark),  the principle of  creamy  layer,  the  compelling  reasons,  namely, backwardness,  inadequacy  of  representation  and  the  overall  administrative efficiency are not obliterated  by  the  impugned amendments. At the appropriate time, we have to consider the law as enacted  by  various  States  providing  for  reservation  is  challenged. At that time we have to see whether  limitations  on
 the exercise of  power  are  violated.  The  State  is  free  to  exercise its discretion of providing for reservation subject  to  limitation, namely, that there must exist compelling reasons  of  backwardness, inadequacy of representation in a class of post(s)  keeping in mind the overall  administrative  efficiency.  It  is made  clear  that  even  if  the  State  has  reasons  to   make reservation, as stated above, if the impugned law  violates  any of the above substantive limits on the width of  the  power  the same would be liable to be set aside.”

In paragraph 117,  the Bench laid down as follows: -

           “The extent of reservation has to be decided on  facts  of  each case.  The  judgment  in Indra  Sawhney does   not   deal   with  constitutional amendments.  In  our  present  judgment,  we  are   upholding the validity of the constitutional amendments  subject  to the limitations. Therefore, in each case the Court has got to   be satisfied that the State has exercised its opinion in  making  reservations in promotions for SCs and STs  and  for  which  the  State  concerned  will  have  to  place  before  the  Court  the requisite quantifiable data in each case and satisfy  the  Court  that such reservations became necessary on account of inadequacy of representation of SCs/ STs in a particular class  or  classesof posts without affecting  general  efficiency  of  service  as mandated under Article 335 of the Constitution.

”In the conclusion portions, in paragraphs 123  and 124, it  has  been  ruled thus: -

           “123. However, in this case, as stated  above,  the  main  issue    concerns the "extent of reservation". In this regard the   State concerned will have to show in each case the  existence  of  the  compelling  reasons,   namely,   backwardness,   inadequacy   of  representation  and  overall  administrative  efficiency  before  making provision for reservation. As stated above, the  impugned   provision is an enabling provision. The State is  not  bound  to  make reservation for SCs/STs in matter of  promotions.  However   if  they  wish  to  exercise  their  discretion  and  make  such   provision, the State has to collect  quantifiable  data  showing   backwardness of the class and inadequacy  of  representation  of  that class in public employment in addition to  compliance  with   Article 335. It is  made  clear  that  even  if  the  State  has   compelling reasons, as stated above, the State will have to  see   that its reservation provision does not lead to excessiveness so    as to breach the ceiling-limit of 50% or obliterate  the  cream    layer or extend the reservation indefinitely.

           124.   Subject  to  the  above,  we  uphold  the  constitutional validity of the Constitution  (Seventy-Seventh  Amendment)  Act,  1995; the Constitution (Eighty-First Amendment) Act,  2000;  the  Constitution  (Eighty-Second  Amendment)  Act,  2000   and   the Constitution (Eighty-Fifth Amendment) Act, 2001.”

38.   From  the  aforesaid  decision  and  the  paragraphs  we  have  quoted herein above, the following principles can be carved out: -

   i) Vesting of the power by an enabling provision may be  constitutionally  valid and yet ‘exercise of power’ by the State in a given case may  be  arbitrary, particularly, if the State fails to  identify  and  measure   backwardness and inadequacy keeping in mind the efficiency of  service as required under Article 335.
  ii) Article 16(4) which protects the interests of certain sections of  the  society has to be balanced against Article 16(1)  which  protects  the interests of every citizen of the  entire  society.   They  should  be  harmonized because they are restatements of the principle of  equalize   under Article 14.
 iii) Each post gets marked for the particular category of candidates to  be appointed against it and any subsequent vacancy has to  be  filled  be  that category candidate.

  iv) The appropriate Government has to apply the cadre strength as  a  unit  in the operation of the roster in order to ascertain whether  a  given class/group is adequately  represented  in  the  service.   The  cadre  strength as a unit also ensures that the upper ceiling-limit of 50% is not violated.  Further roster has to be post-specific and not  vacanc based.

   v) The State has to form its opinion on the quantifiable  data  regarding adequacy of representation.  Clause (4A) of Article 16 is an  enabling   provision.  It gives freedom to the State to provide  for  reservation  in matters of promotion.  Clause (4A) of Article 16  applies  only  to SCs and STs.  The  said  clause  is  carved  out  of  Article  16(4A).  Therefore, Clause (4A) will be governed by the two compelling  reasons  – “backwardness” and “inadequacy of representation”, as  mentioned  in Article 16(4).  If the  said  two  reasons  do  not  exist,  then  the enabling provision cannot be enforced.
  vi) If the ceiling-limit  on  the  carry-over  of  unfilled  vacancies  is removed, the other alternative time-factor comes in and in that event, the time-scale has to be imposed in  the  interest  of  efficiency  in  administration as mandated by Article 335.  If the time-scale  is  not   kept, then posts will continue to remain vacant for years which  would  be detrimental to the administration.  Therefore, in  each  case,  the appropriate  Government  will  now  have  to  introduce  the  duration  depending upon the fact-situation.
 vii) If the appropriate Government enacts a law providing  for  reservation without  keeping in mind the parameters in Article 16(4)  and  Article  335, then this Court will certainly set aside  and  strike  down  such   legislation.

viii) The constitutional limitation under Article 335  is  relaxed  and  not  obliterated.  As  stated  above,  be  it  reservation  or  evaluation,  excessiveness  in  either   would   result   in   violation   of   the constitutional mandate.  This exercise, however, will  depend  on  the   facts of each case.

  ix)  The  concepts  of  efficiency,   backwardness   and   inadequacy   of  representation are required  to  be  identified  and  measured.   That  exercise depends on the availability of data.  That  exercise  depends on numerous  factors.   It  is  for  this  reason  that  the  enabling   provisions are required to be made because each competing claim  seek    to  achieve  certain  goals.   How  best  one  should  optimize  these    conflicting claims can only be  done  by  the  administration  in  the context of local prevailing conditions in public employment.

   x) Article 16(4), therefore, creates a field which  enables  a  State  to  provide for reservation provided there exists backwardness of a  class and inadequacy of representation in employment.  These are  compelling reasons.  They do not exist in Article 16(1).  It is only  when  these reasons are satisfied that a State  gets  the  power  to  provide  for   reservation in the matter of employment.

 39.  At this stage, we think it appropriate to refer to the case  of  Suri Bhan Meena and another (supra).  In the said case,  while  interpreting  the case in M. Nagaraj (supra), the two-Judge Bench has observed: -

           “10.   In M.  Nagaraj  case,  this  Court  while  upholding  the constitutional validity of the Constitution (77thAmendment) Act, 1995 and the Constitution (85th Amendment) Act, 2001,  clarified  the position that it  would  not  be  necessary  for  the  State Government to frame rules in respect of reservation in promotion  with consequential seniority, but in case the  State  Government wanted to frame such rules in this regard, then it would have to  satisfy  itself   by   quantifiable   data,   that   there   was    backwardness, inadequacy of representation in public  employment  and overall  administrative  inefficiency  and  unless  such  an   exercise was  undertaken  by  the  State  Government,  the  rule  relating  to  reservation  in   promotion   with   consequential  seniority could not be introduced.”

40.   In the  said  case,  the  State  Government  had  not  undertaken  any exercise as indicated in M. Nagaraj (supra).  The two-Judge Bench has  noted three conditions in the said judgment.  It was canvassed  before  the  Bench that exercise to be undertaken as per the  direction  in  M.Nagaraj  (supra) was  mandatory  and   the  State  cannot,  either  directly  or  indirectly, circumvent or ignore or refuse to undertake the exercise by taking  recourse to the Constitution (Eighty-Fifth Amendment) Act providing  for  reservation for  promotion  with  consequential  seniority.   While  dealing  with   the contentions, the two-Judge Bench opined that the State is required to  place before the Court the  requisite  quantifiable  data  in  each  case  and  to satisfy the court that the said reservation became necessary on  account  of
inadequacy of  representation  of  Scheduled  Castes  and  Scheduled  Tribes candidates in a particular class or classes of posts, without affecting  the general efficiency of service.  Eventually, the Bench opined as follows: -

           “66.  The position after the decision in M. Nagaraj case is tha reservation of posts in promotion is dependent on the inadequacy of  representation  of  members  of  the  Scheduled  Castes  and   Scheduled  Tribes  and  Backward  Classes  and  subject  to  the   condition of ascertaining as to whether such reservation was  at   all required.

           67.   The view of the High Court is based on the decision  in M.  Nagaraj  case   as  no  exercise  was  undertaken  in  terms  of  Article 16(4-A) to  acquire  quantifiable  data  regarding   the  inadequacy of representation of the Schedule Caste and Scheduledc Tribe communities in public services. The Rajasthan  High  Court  has rightly  quashed  the  notifications  dated  28.12.2002  and  25.4.2008  issued  by  the  State  of  Rajasthan  providing  for  consequential seniority and promotion  to  the  members  of  the  Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe  communities  and  the  same does not call for any interference.”

After so stating, the two-Judge Bench affirmed the view taken  by  the  High Court of Rajasthan.

41.   As has been indicated hereinbefore, it has been vehemently  argued  by the learned senior counsel for the State and the learned senior counsel  for the Corporation that once the principle of reservation was  made  applicable to the spectrum of promotion, no fresh exercise is necessary.   It  is  also urged that the efficiency in service is  not  jeopardized.    Reference  has been made to the Social Justice Committee Report and  the  chart.   We  need not produce the same as the said exercise was done regard being had  to  the
population and vacancies and not to the concepts that have been  evolved  in M. Nagaraj (supra).  It is one thing  to  think  that  there  are  statutory rules or  executive  instructions  to  grant  promotion  but  it  cannot  be forgotten that they were all subject to the pronouncement by this  Court  in Vir Pal Singh Chauhan (supra) and Ajit Singh (II) (supra).  We  are  of  the firm view that a fresh  exercise  in  the  light  of  the  judgment  of  the Constitution Bench in M. Nagaraj (supra) is a categorical  imperative.   The stand that the constitutional amendments have  facilitated  the  reservation in promotion with consequential  seniority  and  have  given  the  stamp  of approval to the Act and the Rules cannot withstand close  scrutiny  inasmuch as the Constitution Bench  has  clearly  opined  that  Articles  16(4A)  and 16(4B) are enabling provisions and the State can  make  provisions  for  the same on certain basis or foundation.   The  conditions  precedent  have  not been satisfied.  No exercise has been  undertaken.   What  has  been  argued with vehemence is that it is not necessary as the concept of reservation  in promotion  was  already  in  vogue.   We  are  unable  to  accept  the  said submission, for when the provisions of the Constitution  are  treated  valid
with certain conditions or riders, it becomes incumbent on the part  of  the State to appreciate and apply the test so that its amendments can be  tested and withstand the scrutiny on parameters laid down therein.

42.   In the ultimate analysis, we conclude and hold that  Section  3(7)  of the 1994 Act and Rule 8A of the 2007 Rules  are  ultra  vires  as  they  run counter to the dictum in M. Nagaraj (supra).  Any promotion  that  has  been given on the dictum  of  Indra  Sawhney  (supra)  and  without  the  aid  or assistance of Section 3(7) and Rule 8A shall remain undisturbed.

43.   The appeals arising out of the final judgment  of  Division  Bench  at Allahabad are allowed and the impugned order  is  set  aside.   The  appeals arising out of the judgment from the Division Bench at Lucknow  is  affirmed subject  to  the  modification  as  stated  hereinabove.   In  view  of  the aforesaid, all other appeals are disposed of.  The parties shall bear  their respective costs.


                                                                                [Dalveer Bhandari]


                                                                                   [Dipak Misra]

New Delhi;

April 27, 2012

[1]    (2006) 8 SCC 212 : AIR 2007 SC 71
[2]    1992 Supp. (3) SCC 217 : AIR 1993 SC 477
[3]    AIR 1965 SC 1767
[4]    AIR 1991 SC 1893
[5]    AIR 1962 SC 36
[6]    (1970) 3 SCC 567
[7]    (1981) 1 SCC 246
[8]    (1986) 2 SCC 679
[9]    (1995) 6 SCC 684
[10]   (1995) 2 SCC 745
[11]   (1996) 2 SCC 715
[12]   AIR 1997 SC 2366
[13]   (1999) 7 SCC 209
[14]   (2009) 8 SCC 220
[15]    (2008) 6 SCC 1
[16]   (2005) 1 SCC 394
[17]   (2011) 1 SCC 467
[18]   (1970) 3 SCC 567
[19]   2010 4 SCC 50
[20]   (2008) 6 SCC 1


Promotion can't be stalled unless criminal charges framed: CAT

The Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) has held that the promotion of a government employee cannot be stalled if no charges are framed against him in a criminal case by a court.

"Promotion of an employee cannot be stalled by putting his (petitioner) case in a sealed cover unless, if the employee...is facing a criminal case, charge has been framed by the concerned criminal court," the Tribunal headed by Chairman Justice V K Bali said.

The Tribunal passed the order on a plea by Delhi-resident R P Singh, seeking to quash the order of the state government restraining him from getting the benefit of Assured Career Progression (ACP) scheme to financially upgrade the careers of an employee after an interval of 12 and 24 years respectively.

"Singh was entitled to ACP benefit in 1990 and 2002 respectively. Registration of an FIR years and years after would not authorise the government to put his case under sealed cover," the CAT said while setting aside the order.

The Tribunal held that if Singh, working with the Social Welfare Department, would have been granted the benefit he was entitled to, registration of the case would not have resulted into withdrawing the same.

"The government is directed to make available to the petitioner both first and second financial upgradations under ACP scheme," the Tribunal said, adding that ACP is granted on same parameters on which promotion is granted.


S.K.M. Haider Vs. Union of India & Ors.
Hon'ble Justice R.M. Lodha, and Altaf Kabeer

1. A short question that arises for consideration in this appeal, by special leave, is as to whether the appellant has been rightly denied promotion to the post of Ticket Collector (TCR), Group `C' post, on account of his having not been declared medically fit in Class B-2 under Para 510 of Indian Railway Medical Manual (for short, `IRMM').

2. The appellant--S.K.M. Haider--joined the service in Northern Railway as Luggage Porter, Group `D' post, on December 13, 1991. The next channel of promotion from Luggage Porter is to the post of Ticket Collector. Having acquired eligibility for promotion to the post of Ticket Collector, the appellant appeared in the written test held by the respondents on January 8, 2003. He was successful in the written test and was called for viva-voce by the Interview Committee on February 25, 2003. On June 24, 2003, a provisional list of the candidates who were found suitable for the post of Ticket Collector on the basis of written test and viva voce was prepared in which the appellant's name was placed at Serial No. 25.

3. On July 3, 2003, the appellant appeared before the Medical Superintendent, Northern Railway, DRM Office, Ambala Cantt. (Respondent No. 3) for medical examination but he was not declared fit in Class B-2.

4. The appellant challenged the medical report dated July 3, 2003 by filing an appeal before the Chief Medical Director, Northern Railway. He was asked to appear before the Medical Board on September 15, 2004. The Medical Board found the appellant fit in Class C-2 with glasses. Based on the opinion of the Medical Board, the appeal preferred by the appellant challenging the medical report dated July 3, 2003 was rejected.

5. The appellant then got himself examined at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi on November 3, 2004 and it is his case that he was found medically fit in Class B-2.

6. The appellant aggrieved by his non-promotion to the post of Ticket Collector approached the Central Administrative Tribunal, Chandigarh Bench (for short, `the Tribunal'). The Tribunal, on February 8, 2006, after hearing the counsel for the appellant and the counsel for respondents, rejected the original application filed by the appellant.

7. Being not satisfied with the order of the Tribunal, the appellant moved the High Court of Punjab and Haryana for redressal of his grievance but there, too, he was unsuccessful and the writ petition filed by him was dismissed on March 21, 2009.

8. Para 510 in Chapter V of the IRMM deals with classification of staff for the purpose of vision tests of candidates and of serving Railway employees. It reads as follows : "510. Classification of staff:- (1) for the purpose of visual acuity and general physical examination of candidates and of serving Railway employees, the non-Gazetted Railway services are divided into the following broad groups and classes. The detailed categories of Railway posts under each of the classes/groups mentioned below are given in Annexure IV to this chapter:-

9. It would be seen from Para 510 of IRMM that non- Gazetted Railway services have been divided into three broad groups, namely, groups `A', `B' and `C' for the purpose of vision tests. These three groups have been divided into different classes. Group A has been divided in Classes A-1, A-2 and A-3 while groups B and C have been divided in two Classes each, viz; B-1, B-2 and C-1, C-2 respectively. The division of groups, A, B and C for vision tests appears to have been made keeping in mind the objective, viz; `in the interest of public safety'; `in the interest of the employee himself or his fellow workers or both' and `in the interest of administration only'. The classification of different staff in various `classes' is apparently founded to achieve the above objective. The detailed categories of Railway posts under each of the classes/groups are given in Annexure IV appended to Chapter V. Insofar as post of Ticket Collector is concerned, it is categorized in Class B-2 under the head `station supervisory and artisan staff'.

10. Though post of Ticket Collector is categorised in Annexure IV in Class B-2 but while doing so the underlying object of division of staff into three broad groups A, B and C for vision tests of candidates and of serving Railway employees in non-Gazetted Railway services seems to have been overlooked. Broadly, Class B-2 covers a certain staff in workshops and engine rooms engaged on duties. It has been so done because failing eyesight may endanger themselves or other employees from moving parts of the machinery and crane drivers on open line. This is in consonance with the objective of group B viz; `in the interest of the employee himself or his fellow workers or both'. Insofar as Ticket Collectors are concerned, vision tests for them are not required `in the interest of employee himself or his fellow workers or both' as contemplated in group B but it is required in the interest of administration only - the objective contemplated in group C. In this view of the matter, there seems to be no rational basis, in relation to the object set out in Para 510 of IRMM, of categorizing the post of Ticket Collectors under Class B-2 in Annexure IV. However, it is for the respondents to have a fresh look insofar as categorisation of posts pertaining to non-Gazetted Railway services in Annexure IV is concerned. Suffice it to say that categorization of posts for the purpose of vision tests must have nexus with the object set out in Para 510. Having regard to the objective of division of groups/ classes for the purpose of vision tests under Para 510 of IRMM, the post of Ticket Collectors can not be held to be covered by Class B-2 but rather will be covered by Class C-2. Any inconsistency in categorization of Railway posts in Annexure IV, in our view, must not operate against the appellant in getting promotion to the post of Ticket Collector.

11. We hold, as it must be held, that the appellant could not have been denied promotion to the post of Ticket Collector as he had passed written test and viva voce and was provisionally selected for the post of Ticket Collector and had been declared medically fit in Class C-2.

12. Consequently, appeal is allowed; judgment and order passed by the Punjab and Haryana High Court on March 21, 2009 8 and the order dated February 8, 2006 passed by the Central Administration Tribunal, Chandigarh are set aside. The respondents shall now consider the appellant's claim for promotion to the post of Ticket Collector on the basis of his medical fitness in Class C-2 and his empanelment in the provisional list dated June 24, 2003 and appropriate order in this regard will be issued within two months from today. The parties shall bear their own costs.
........................J. (Aftab Alam)
........................ J. (R.M. Lodha)
FEBRUARY 14, 2011.


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